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Historic Postcards
1media/merge_from_ofoct copy 7.jpg2019-04-08T20:11:32-07:00The Ohio Field School - Center for Folklore Studies OSU d3215a55d81ccd40ca769f59020e951bf05ec0cb334057A collection of postcards sent and received by residents of Lucasvilleplain2019-04-17T02:52:43-07:00The Ohio Field School - Center for Folklore Studies OSU d3215a55d81ccd40ca769f59020e951bf05ec0cbPostcards were used as a central means of communication throughout the late 1800s and early 1900s. Their convenient design allowing for quick exchanges bolstered their popularity during this period. Postcards exhibit a wide range of themes from famous icons, to art, to historic landmarks. History can be traced through the subjects portrayed on postcards as well as the written notes accompanying them.
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12019-04-01T23:33:10-07:00The Ohio Field School - Center for Folklore Studies OSU d3215a55d81ccd40ca769f59020e951bf05ec0cbThe CollectionThe Ohio Field School - Center for Folklore Studies OSU 18A brief history and visual representation of Lucasville's history.visual_path8627732019-04-20T23:49:11-07:00The Ohio Field School - Center for Folklore Studies OSU d3215a55d81ccd40ca769f59020e951bf05ec0cb
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12019-04-15T20:35:51-07:00Postcards1Image of a gravestone that states, "In Memory of a Good Town. Portsmouth Died Sunday Nov. 14, 20.." media/Screen Shot 2019-04-15 at 4.05.45 PM.pngplain2019-04-15T20:35:51-07:00
12019-04-15T20:32:36-07:00Postcards1Greeting card to Clarence McNamer asking for a place to stay on an upcoming visit. media/merge_from_ofoct copy 4.jpgplain2019-04-15T20:32:36-07:00
12019-04-16T13:29:13-07:00Postcards1New Year's greeting card from 1911 from Sileana McNamer to Mina McNamer. The letter asks for a visit soon.media/merge_from_ofoct copy 8.jpgplain2019-04-16T13:29:14-07:00
12019-04-15T20:33:01-07:00Postcards1Greeting card to Pauline Nakm from her daughter Kathryn Barker writing about her anniversary.media/merge_from_ofoct copy 5.jpgplain2019-04-15T20:33:01-07:00
12019-04-16T13:29:43-07:00Postcards1Postcard from the Hubfells to Louis McKinley. The postcard is from the Camp Lancaster Campground and the image on the front is of the hotel at the campground. media/merge_from_ofoct copy 9.jpgplain2019-04-16T13:29:43-07:00
12019-04-15T20:33:38-07:00Postcards1Tobacco advertisement for Night and Day Tobacco depicting an older gentlemen looking up a lady's skirt near a fence post. The tag-line is "Get Your Money's Worth". media/merge_from_ofoct copy 6.jpgplain2019-04-15T20:33:38-07:00
12019-04-15T20:33:59-07:00Postcards1Image of an illustration of the Lucasville Bridge entitled "Suburban Scene, Lucasville, O." The postcard is a campaign advertisement for Thos. C. Patterson's campaign on the Republican ticket for Scioto County Auditor in 1910.media/merge_from_ofoct copy 7.jpgplain2019-04-15T20:34:00-07:00
12019-04-15T20:34:20-07:00Postcards1A greeting card from Mrs. Kiefer to Lona McNamer of Lucasville, Ohio.media/merge_from_ofoct copy.jpgplain2019-04-15T20:34:20-07:00
12019-04-15T20:34:45-07:00Postcards1A christmas postcard to Mrs. Mina McNamer from her brother Frank.media/merge_from_ofoct.jpgplain2019-04-15T20:34:45-07:00
12019-04-15T20:01:55-07:00Postcards1A love letter postcard. media/Screen Shot 2019-04-15 at 3.53.23 PM.pngplain2019-04-15T20:01:55-07:00
12019-04-15T20:35:06-07:00Postcards1Advertisement for "Monte Carlo" at the RKO Palace.media/Screen Shot 2019-04-15 at 4.01.09 PM.pngplain2019-04-15T20:35:07-07:00
12019-04-15T20:31:53-07:00Postcards1Postcard with an image of Indian Rock in Portsmouth, Ohio, which is opposite York Place. The rock is a local landmark that is only visible once per decade when the Ohio River is extremely low. The letter was sent to Miss McNamer from Raoul. media/merge_from_ofoct copy 2.jpgplain2019-04-15T20:31:53-07:00
12019-04-15T20:35:28-07:00Postcards1Christmas card with images around Lucasville, including the First Methodist Church in 1849, Lucasville prior to 1900, the Old Elevator, before the fire of 1943, and the Old Lucas In in 1819.media/Screen Shot 2019-04-15 at 4.02.07 PM.pngplain2019-04-15T20:35:28-07:00
12019-04-15T20:32:13-07:00Postcards1A valentine given to James Meadows from his mother. It may have been recycled to Betty Jackson. media/merge_from_ofoct copy 3.jpgplain2019-04-15T20:32:13-07:00