Focus on "Henry V":

Navigating Digital Text, Performance, & Historical Resources

Our Team

Project Investigators and Managing Editors

SUJATA IYENGAR, Professor of English at the University of Georgia (UGA), teaches Shakespearean appropriation, Early Modern British Literature, Book History, and Writing. With the late Christy Desmet, she co-founded and co-edited the first online scholarly humanities periodical to incorporate rich multimedia, dynamic pdfs and deep xml tagging, the CELJ-award-winning Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation. With Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin of the Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III (UPVM3), she is co-P.I. of the multi-year Partner University Fund Grant "Scene-Stealing/Ravir la scène," through which teams of faculty and graduate students from UGA and UPVM collaborate on conferences, workshops, and publications.

NATHALIE VIENNE-GUERRIN is Professor in Shakespeare studies at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (France) and director of the “Institut de Recherche sur la Renaissance, l’âge Classique et les Lumières” (UMR 5186, research centre of the French National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS, IRCL). She has published a number of books and articles on insults, the evil tongue and the war of tongues in Shakespeare’s plays, as well as on Shakespeare on screen. She is co-editor-in-chief of the international journal Cahiers Élisabéthains (Sage). She is co-editor, with Sarah Hatchuel of the Shakespeare on screen series published by Cambridge University Press. She is co-editor, with Patricia Dorval, of the Shakespeare on screen in francophonia database. She is co-general editor of the open access online journal ASF, Arrêt sur scène/Scene Focus. Further information:

Essay Contributors

CHARLÈNE CRUXENT is a doctoral researcher in early modern English literature and a temporary lecturer at the University of Montpellier 3, France. Her doctoral thesis, entitled “Nicknames in Shakespeare’s World,” is supervised by Jean-Christophe Mayer and Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin.  The project explores the use of unofficial names and titles in Shakespeare’s works. By studying the use of nicknames in Shakespeare's plays it is also possible to shed light on the ways in which naming impacts the gender of the renamed character and the genre of the play in which the new appellation is bestowed (Tragedies, Comedies, and Histories). Charlène is particularly interested in sociolinguistic structures and dynamics and her other research interests include Shakespeare, early modern language, onomastics, civilisation and food studies. She has presented her research at numerous conferences in Europe and the United States and has published articles on onomastics. She took part in the European project “New Faces: Shakespeare’s World and Present Challenges,” and is co-editor of the postgraduate academic blog “Polymorphe: Carnet de Recherche ED 58.”

PHILIP GILREATH is a Ph.D. student at the University of Georgia. His research interests include Shakespeare and appropriation, early modern rhetoric, and ecocriticism. His current project examines early modern drama and contemporary adaptation theory through the framework of Erasmus’ De Copia. He obtained his Master of Arts from The College of Charleston, where he also received a Master’s Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. He is additionally a graduate with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a former Taiwan-based TESOL instructor.

DANIEL YABUT is a Research Associate for the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), in connection with the Institute for Research on the Renaissance, the Neo-Classical Age, and the Englightenment (IRCL) and Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. He specialises in 16th-18th-century book history and early modern theatre, and assists the IRCL team with their scientific publications. He is an actor and teaching artist who trained at LAMDA and the Conservatoire National Supérieur d’Art Dramatique, and has theatre, film, and television credits in the United States, England, and France.

NORA GALLAND is a Doctoral Researcher at the IRCL (Institute for Research on the Renaissance, the Neo-Classical Age and the Enlightenment) CNRS UMR 5186 and Teaching Assistant at University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3. Nora’s research interests include a pragmatic approach to study the racist insult, the construction of ‘race’ in the early modern period, critical race theory, postcolonial studies, contemporary adaptations, and appropriations of Shakespeare’s plays. Nora’s Ph.D. dissertation is titled “Scenes of Racist Insult in Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama” and is under the supervision of Professors Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin and Dr. Jean-Christophe Mayer.

JANICE VALLS-RUSSELL is a Principal Research Associate, employed by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) at the Institute for Research on the Renaissance, the Neo-classical Age and the Enlightenment (IRCL), Montpellier, France. Her two main areas of interest are the the reception of the classics in early modern England, more especially classical mythology, and the reception of Shakespeare and his contemporaries in the 20th-21st centuries. She is project coordinator and a member of the editorial board of A Dictionary of Shakespeare’s Classical Mythology and the Early English Mythological Texts Series (, for which she has edited canto II of Thomas Heywood’s Troia Britannica. The author of several articles and reviews (plays and books), she has edited Interweaving Myths in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries with Charlotte Coffin and Agnès Lafont (Manchester University Press, 2017) and is currently completing a collection of essays on Thomas Heywood and the Clasical Tradition, which she is editing with Tania Demetriou (University of Cambridge), also for Manchester University Press. She has guest-edited special issues of Cahiers Élisabéthains with Paul Prescott, Peter J. Smith and Nicoleta Cinpoes.

FLORENCE MARCH is Professor in Early Modern English Drama at University Paul-Valéry Montpellier (France) and a member of the Institute for Research on the Renaissance, the Neo-Classical Age and the Enlightenment, at the French National Centre for Scientific Research. She has published extensively on Shakespeare's function in South France festivals (Avignon, Montpellier and Nice), on Shakespearean stage configurations in 20th and 21st century Europe and the relationship between stage and audience. She is co-editor in chief of Cahiers élisabéthains, a journal of English Renaissance Studies, and associate editor of Arrêt sur scène/ Scene Focus, a bilingual online journal in performance studies. She is a translator of drama in English at Maison Antoine Vitez (an International Centre for drama translation).

MIKAELA LAFAVE is a PhD student at the University of Georgia and Research Assistant to Dr. Sujata Iyengar. Mikaela's academic interests include conceptions of space/place and constructions of built and natural environments in early modern literature, gender theory, and contemporary adaptations and appropriations of Shakespeare plays. Her work also intersects with Digital Humanities, including macro-analytic readings of Shakespeare criticism. Her work in DH and FYC instruction can be seen in  the article “The Disappearing Coder: Online Writing Environments" co-written with Hayden Benson and published in the Scalar publication Digital Writing Environments 1983-2015. She completed her Master's in English at Georgia College (Milledgeville, GA) in 2018. 

HAYDEN BENSON is a first-year M.A. student in the University of Georgia English Graduate Program. She studies Rhetoric and Composition, aiming to refine her teaching skills and encourage active student learning in First-Year Composition courses. She will graduate with her M.A. in English in 2020. She graduated with a B.A. in English and an Interdisciplinary Writing certificate from UGA in 2018. Her other interests include digital humanities and FYC, as highlighted by her collaboration with Mikaela LaFave in writing “The Disappearing Coder: Online Writing Environments.” This article appears in another Scalar publication they contributed to, Digital Writing Environments 1983-2015, which details the evolution of digital writing environments and attitudes toward them across several decades. 

Digital Editors

JULIA KOSLOWSKY is a senior honors undergraduate student and Phi Beta Kappa member at the University of Georgia. She will graduate in May 2019 with a B.A. in English, Theatre minor, and British & Irish Studies Certificate. Julia worked on the UGA Linguistic Atlas Project under Dr. William Kretzschmar. She is actively involved in theatre at UGA. In 2017, she published "The Origin of Our Species," an original sci-fi play, in APW: Five Original Plays, Vol. II through the Athens Playwrights' Workshop. In 2018, Julia was nominated for and awarded the Digital Humanities Scholarship Award by the UGA English Department for an original digital humanities project on 21st century transmedia storytelling.

EMILY WALLS is a senior undergraduate student at the University of Georgia. She will graduate in August 2019 with a B.A. in English. Her interests include archival work and medieval manuscripts. In Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 Emily worked on the Hargrett Hours Project, a digital facsimile project also done in conjunction with the Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab. After graduation she will be taking a gap year before starting her Master’s in Library Science.

LUCAS VAUGHN is a senior undergraduate student at the University of Georgia. He will graduate in Fall 2019 with a B.A. in English and a B.A. in Linguistics. Lucas is planning to attend Valdosta State University to pursue a Master's degree in Library and Information Sciences, after which he hopes to return to the University of Georgia as a librarian in the Research and Instruction department. Lucas's interests include medieval manuscripts, Victorian literature, and the field of digital humanities. 

MARGARET DRYDEN is a fourth-year English Major whose undergraduate career has focused largely on the Digital Humanities. Her research is situated the Modernist period of literature, but her interests rely on the existence and accessibility of digital resources and tools. She was selected as a researcher for the 2018 cohort of Digital Humanities Summer Scholars, and she has spent her most recent time continuing to research Modernist poetry using digital tools through a CURO sponsorship. After graduating in May 2019, Maggie will begin work on her Master of Arts in English at UGA in the fall.


ELIZABETH DAVIS is a Senior Academic Professional and Willson Center for the Humanities and Arts Digital Humanities Affiliate at the University of Georgia. She teaches digital media rhetoric and digital storytelling with a focus on textual materiality and the relationship between technology and reading practices. In her teaching and publications, she strives to marry form and content through a design-focused approach to born-digital compositional processes and products. She has published on technological infrastructures for writing in Kairos and on drawing inspiration from rare books for digital textual design in the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy. 

ELIOTT KUECKER, the Instructional Librarian/Writing Program Liaison for UGA Libraries, works on digital humanities projects for the libraries, gives workshops on research methods and process, and assists graduate assistants in writing research assignments. He is also a PhD student in Educational Theory and Practice at UGA. His writing has appeared in Qualitative Inquiry, Journal of New Librarianship, In the Library with a Lead Pipe, Progressive Librarian, NOMOREPOTLUCKS, and edited book collections.

JOSHUA KING is the Associate Director of UGA’s First-year Composition program, where he schedules and coordinates first-year writing classes and instructors. Outside of the FYC Office, he teaches courses on writing, rhetorical theory, pedagogy, and multimodal composition, often through the lens of iterative game design. He’s published on books within playable ecosystems, games as adaptations, and is currently studying the history of computer writing environments.

EMILY MCGINN is the Digital Humanities Coordinator at the University of Georgia. She oversees the Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab in a role that includes project management and consultation for digital projects, outreach, and the development of DH curricula. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature with a focus on Latin American and Irish modernisms.

Peer Reviewers


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