Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"We Know"

Cast: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Aaron Burr

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 424, Words Counted Once: 210
Most common Words: "Burr" (12 times), "Jefferson" (11 times), "Madison" (11 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 383, Words Counted Once: 208
Most Common Words: "Know" (6 times), "Check" (3 times), "Mr." (3 times) 

The gentleman are back with a plan. They bring in Alexander and explain they found checks and with the intention to ruin his position even more. He explains that he did nothing illegal and tells the boys what he "knows" about what happened with Maria Reynolds. The gentleman realize all is justified and promise to not say anything. On the way out Burr warns Alexander about what happens when word spreads.

This is the first time that Alexander has really mentioned his affair out loud and although he is ashamed of his actions, but he is at least staying truthful to what he did. So if anything he will be an honest man. Hamilton deals with a multitude of internal struggles, but he often selects the option that will make him an honest man. This quality can be fascinating to watch because it is entertaining to watch other people trying to keep their life together. The audience starts to grow a love/hate relationship with Alexander. 

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC