Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"Washington On Your Side"

Cast: Aaron Burr, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Ensemble,

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 515, Words Counted Once: 216  
Most common Words: "Jefferson" (24 times), "Madison" (21 times), "Nice" (21 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 457, Words Counted Once: 211  
Most Common Words: "Nice" (16 times), "Washington" (8 times), "Oh" (7  times)

The sass levels in the group have started to grow as Burr, Jefferson and Madison look for a way to knock Hamilton down when Washington continues to support him. After some exchanges regarding government policies and the previous Cabinet battle, they get the idea to look into the money in hopes of finding where it is going. 

This song is mostly conversational style between the gentlemen. They are all on similar pages of doing whatever it takes to get Hamilton out of office. Although it is a low blow to do such a thing, smaller songs like this allow the audience to see what goes on around Hamilton. It is a classic technique to raise the stakes for the character because drama is fun to watch and in a story with government scandals, it is fascinating to see what will happen. 

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC