Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"The Story of Tonight"

Cast: Alexander Hamilton, Marquis de Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, John Laurens, Ensemble

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 233, Words Counted Once: 53
Most common Words: "Tonight" (13 times), "Laurens" (11 times), "Mulligan" (11 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 187, Words Counted Once: 47
Most Common Words: "Tonight" (13 times), "Story" (10 times), "Tell" (10 times) 

After the powerful rap explosion that is "My Shot", "The Story of Tonight" is a softer moment between the newly established friends.The boys all have a drink while raising a glass to a future full of freedom and friendship. 

The drastic number differences between the total number of words and when each word is counted once suggests that this song repeats itself often. For the softer lullaby like quality that the music has, this repetition acts as a call and response to one character posing the idea of raising "a glass to freedom " and the others reply with the same line. Not only does it connect the friendship between the characters, it allows the audience to appreciate the softer side of the rag-tag boys. 

Unlike some of the previous songs, the two lists of most common words are very different. The only word that is the same is the first word, "Tonight". This word is repeated so much because it is to emphasize being in the moment. A lot of the play deals with what will happen in the future and creating one's legacy that will last forever, but this song differs from that because it focuses more on the actions of the moment.

In the version of the lyrics with the character names, the other two most common words are the last names of characters. This is due to both characters speaking and the others repeating causing their names to appear more often. Even though the story is about appreciating the moment, it is also about the group of friends being together. One of reasons that the characters are so lovable is because they each have their own individual personality traits that may remind audience members of their own friend group. As for the version of lyrics without the character names it is a lot more focused on what the goal of the night is and that is enjoying a softer moment, but in turn others will hear of the legacy they created. Although the characters know things are about to change, they want to take the moment to create the memory that is the start of their story.

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC