Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"


Cast: John Laurens, Angelica Schuyler, Ensemble, Alexander Hamilton, Eliza (Schuyler) Hamilton 

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 929, Words Counted Once: 297
Most common Words: "Angelica" (32 times), "Satisfied" (24 times), "Hamilton" (13 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 854, Words Counted Once: 289
Most Common Words: "Satisfied" (24 times), "Bride" (12 times), "Angelica" (10 times)

In the previous song the audience learned about the relationship of Alexander and Eliza, but during the reception after their wedding, this song, the audience learns about Angelica's feelings. Although she is happy for her sister, the reality is Angelica started to fall in love with Alexander, but assumed he may have just been after the money, that is until she realizes how attractive and thoughtful he really is. When Angelica notices her sister's helpless expression, she keeps her word in letting her sister have him. Angelica is then left in her same social standing as the protective older sister who will hold Alexander in a special place, but will love her sister more. 

Like most of plot important songs, there is large gap in the numbers of words for both sets of lyrics. It makes sense because a main part of this song is replaying parts of the previous song, "Helpless", and that song also had a number gap. The repetition in this case acts as the way Angelica tries to deal with her missed opportunity to be with Alexander. Much like a normal person may repeat to themselves that they are not getting sick or they did good on a project, Angelica repeats the word "satisfied" and her toast to the newlyweds to convince herself that she does not have much of a choice, but to continue to work out her situation.

Alexander "Hamilton" and "Angelica" are repeated words because they associated with the idea of being connect in one's situation and how as much as they try, their obsession with pushing themselves means they will never be truly happy with what they have. The last common word is "Bride" due to the fact that in this scene it is a reception and although Eliza is the wife, there is a part of her that wants to be that. This idea of pushing until a person is satisfied and giving up their own desires in hopes of someone else are often experienced topics. "Satisfied" is a moment where the audience gets a soft moment from a powerfully spunky women. As humans we are constantly searching for satisfaction and this song manifests those human qualities in a character in a musical.

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