Field Guides to Food

Guiding Principles for the Field Guides to Food Systems

We have built in-person and online project spaces where we work together to build tools to explore food stories and relationships.

Good Food
recognizing that there are many ways to value what is good in food

Feeding Each Other
transform food into something we feed each other with.

Create a Peer-to-Peer Network
with the capacity to share community-based research in useful ways. The Field guides serves this goal by providing a space for prototyping and sharing food knowledge and experience in a wide range of different formats and with a diverse community of Field guides users interested in using what is shared and reporting back on its use and further stories connected to it.

tell stories together, and to tell parts of stories that others will be able to build on, to connect, and expand on.

Knowledge Sharing
through this collaborative environment, every participant has valued knowledge. We celebrate sharing that knowledge and creating a conversation

Highlighting Conflicting Ideas
By highlighting conflicting ideas, we strive to have a deeper conversation

understanding that our stories are told in a specific time, space, culture and context, we strive to respect the perspectives of all persons participating in this community.

Guiding Principles for building modules

Modules- limited to 3-5 pages per pathway:
Here is a thing
Here are a couple other things that relate in some way
Here is what I think about these things together
Here is why it is important

Modules can focus on one part of a topic- what is present, what is missing, theory, policy

Questions to guide thinking about module creation:

  1. What food knowledge would you want to share with others? And how could you get them to understand
  2. Why is it worth knowing particular things about food? Why should someone else pay attention to what you think is important about food?
  3. How can this information be put into action? What else does this make you think about?

Modules can/should:

i) engage an adequate range of perspectives and types of knowledge;
ii) address conflicts between perspectives; and
iii) translate productively between diverse perspectives
iv) include your editorial voice, opinions, ideas

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