Company 3280
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Company 3280, CCC, was organized at Fort Dix, New Jersey, on April 4, 1939. An advanced cadre was furnished by the Schenectady District, New York. The Company left For Dix for the West on April 10th, arriving at Belton, Montana, on April 13th, 1939.
All work projects of the Company have been in Glacier National Park, Montana. Chief work consists of Fire Fighting, Fire Hazard Reduction, and Park Maintenance. The Company was called out on fire fighting duty several times during the summer of 1939.
The outstanding sports of the Company have been baseball and Boxing. Romauldo Vasquez won the boxing championship of Fort Missoula District in the featherweight division.
Company Commander Kenneth M. Ekman and Subaltern Wilfred J. Lord, both second Corps Officers, have been with the Company since its origin. Educational Adviser, Arthur G. Allen joined the company upon its arrival at Belton, Montana.
All work projects of the Company have been in Glacier National Park, Montana. Chief work consists of Fire Fighting, Fire Hazard Reduction, and Park Maintenance. The Company was called out on fire fighting duty several times during the summer of 1939.
The outstanding sports of the Company have been baseball and Boxing. Romauldo Vasquez won the boxing championship of Fort Missoula District in the featherweight division.
Company Commander Kenneth M. Ekman and Subaltern Wilfred J. Lord, both second Corps Officers, have been with the Company since its origin. Educational Adviser, Arthur G. Allen joined the company upon its arrival at Belton, Montana.
- Fire Fighting
- Fire Hazard Reduction
- Park Maintenance
- Kenneth K. Ekman - Company Commander
- Wilfred J. Lord - Subaltern
- Dr. John D. Chambers - Camp Surgeon
- Charles K. Green - Project Superintendent
- Carl A. Masters - Project Staff
- John W. O'Connell - Project Staff
- Earl H. Keller - Project Staff
- Robert L. Blackwood - Project Staff
Anthony Acconia, Arthur Allen, Floyd J. Allen, Leroy Alloway, Dennis Andrews, George J. Ansley, Alfred P. Antigone, Steve Antonowich, James C. Antwalder, Charles Applegate, Frank Argentieri, Vincent B. Arico, Christopher August, Showash Avakian, Walter J. Banakus, Thomas Barbagallo, Anthony Bartolo, August F. Beck, John Becker, Gerald P. Bethel, Warren J. Bethel, Marco Bianchini, Sigismund Brodzinski, William Brozas, Artie Butmankiewicz, John E. Canavan, Philip Cannizzaro, Thomas J. Carminato, Carmelo J. Cardinale, John Carr, Jr., Edward T. Cashman, Philip Chirco, Edward D. Chojnacki, Meyer Cohen, John D. Collins, Christopher J. Connor, Philip Cooper, Abe Cotton, Domonick Cotugno, Jr., John C. Coughlin, William R. Coyle, Frank Craugh, Bernard Croke, Raymond C. Crooks, Sheldon Cubberley, William J. Cuccagna, John A. Cuesta, Clement C. Cupaivolo, Walter J. Dajczak, William N. Dean, Domonick De Clesis, Hugo P. Del Buono, Frank De Lucia, Nicholas V. De Marco, John V. Dempsey, Frank De Santi, Jr., William Diamond, Frank Di Donna, James Di Salvo, Marino Di Simone, Edward G. Doering, Joseph Domensky, Bryan Doonan, Charles M. Driscoll, Thomas P. Dunn, John T. Egan, George Eisenbraun, Frank Endrzejewski, Edward Ervin, Donato Fatico, James M. Fay, Charles Fernicolo, Frank A. Ferri, Joseph C. Fiore, Henry Flegier, Ignacio Flores, Julius Forkas, Jack Foster, James Fouchard, John G. Francavilla, Michael Franco, Paul Furhman, Philip Galanzowski, Anthony J. Gallagher, Thomas F. Garrity, Anthony Genovese, Charles Geoni, Frank Gerbino, Norman J. German, Arthur Gerstel, Joseph Gioscio, William Goldberg, Irving Goldstein, Adolph Gollubier, Felix Gonzalez, Albert Goren, Harold Gould, Alexander G. Gratson, Edward Grombkowski, Stanley Haenschen, Henry Haensel, William N. Halbohn, John R. Hanley, Roy Hansen, William Heim, Joseph Hendrickson, Vincent Homac, Joseph Horbacz, Andrew Hover, Joseph Joeger, Frank Lang, Kari Lee, Frank Leone, Steve Likanchuk, Jr., Walter Macanks, Charles Mac Isaac, Edward Malkowski, Martino Marino, William Marion, Angelo Marquez, Peter Mc Eldowney, Raymond Mc Govern, Cornelius Mc Namara, Jacinto Medina, Joseph Merino, Alberto Mojica, Vincent Moretti, Harold Mullan, Patrick Murray, John Nalback, Joaquin E. Neives, Joseph Niemiec, Max K. Passaro, Anthony Pease, Michael Petrick, John J. Readyhough, Clifford Reichert, Donald T. Roth, Louis Ruberton, Carmine Russo, Peter Russo, Henry Rykowski, Alfred Scamorza, William Steele, Frank Strohn, John Testa, John A. Thorn, Onel Yrizarry, Osler Yrizarry.