Company 3568
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On July 18, 1938, two hundred men from various points in the Fifth Corps were accepted for CCC enrollment, and on July 19 they were brought together at Fort Knox, Kentucky, to make up a new CCC Company, Company 3568.
While waiting for a camp site to prepare the Company was stationed at Fort Knox. On September 7, 1938, the Company entrained and arrived at Bridger, Montana, on September 10,1938, of the original two hundred men who came to Camp Bridger there are at present twelve left.
Coming to the barren and sandy plot that was the Camp Bridger campsite the Company is now proud of its large green parade ground, where “old timers” said “there a’nt been a spear of grass in fifty years.” Many other improvements have been brought about so that now instead of a barren spot it is a company rating up amongst the best in the Fort Missoula District.
In athletics Co. 3568 has set an enviable record. Having complete equipment in baseball, softball, and basketball, its teams are respected for sportsmanship and always welcomed by its opponents. Boxing having been a minor sport, until the past winter, received encouragement when three fighters qualified to fight at the Fort Missoula District CCC Tournament at Fort Missoula.
This being a Grazing Camp, the men have a variety of work to perform, such as, building reservoirs and dams, developing spring and water holes, post cutting and post treating, rodent control, road building, fencing and during the summer period are on call for fire fighting. The Educational program is centered on this work program, and is proud of its Job-Training courses in both field and camp work.
The Company is under the command of Lawrence F. Clark, John W. Jones, Subaltern; Dr. Clarence D. McKinney, Camp Surgeon; Martin W. Jacobson, Camp Educational Adviser; E. W. Roy, Cam Superintendent.
While waiting for a camp site to prepare the Company was stationed at Fort Knox. On September 7, 1938, the Company entrained and arrived at Bridger, Montana, on September 10,1938, of the original two hundred men who came to Camp Bridger there are at present twelve left.
Coming to the barren and sandy plot that was the Camp Bridger campsite the Company is now proud of its large green parade ground, where “old timers” said “there a’nt been a spear of grass in fifty years.” Many other improvements have been brought about so that now instead of a barren spot it is a company rating up amongst the best in the Fort Missoula District.
In athletics Co. 3568 has set an enviable record. Having complete equipment in baseball, softball, and basketball, its teams are respected for sportsmanship and always welcomed by its opponents. Boxing having been a minor sport, until the past winter, received encouragement when three fighters qualified to fight at the Fort Missoula District CCC Tournament at Fort Missoula.
This being a Grazing Camp, the men have a variety of work to perform, such as, building reservoirs and dams, developing spring and water holes, post cutting and post treating, rodent control, road building, fencing and during the summer period are on call for fire fighting. The Educational program is centered on this work program, and is proud of its Job-Training courses in both field and camp work.
The Company is under the command of Lawrence F. Clark, John W. Jones, Subaltern; Dr. Clarence D. McKinney, Camp Surgeon; Martin W. Jacobson, Camp Educational Adviser; E. W. Roy, Cam Superintendent.
- Building reservoirs
- Building dams
- Developing springs and water holes
- Rodent control
- Road building
- Fire fighting
- Lawrence F. Clark - Company Commander
- John W. Jones - Subaltern
- Martin W. Jacobson, Educational Adviser
- Dr. Clarence D. McKinney - Camp Surgeon
- E. W. Ray - Project Superintendent
- Robert A. Loveland - Project Staff
- Frank N. Holzer - Project Staff
- Frank Dougherty - Project Staff
- A. J. Hein - Project Staff
- Robert E. Miller - Project Staff
- Charles P. Harman - Project Staff
- Robert Clark - Project Staff
Edmund J. Adamski, Burt L. Almy, Robert H. Amore, John J. Appelhans, Roy Applegarth, Jr., John G. Bartuccio, Leo F. Beach, Edwin B. Bechberger, Lawrence E. Beckman, Steve R. Bertok, Joseph F. Biasella, Nicholas Bilitski, Albert Bohley, Clyde W. Brown, Kenneth W. Brown, Simon R. Brush, John W. Burke, Melvin J. Burzynski, Raymond C. Chinni, Leo Cholewa, George H. Conklin, Walter L. Craig, Russell H. Crayton, Harry A. Cummins, Bruce A. Cunningham, Willard R. Cutcher, Russell C. Dahms, John C. Darling, Walter D. Dembski, Walter Demcyk, Joe L. Detzel, John M. Dilworth, Carl F. Doarn, George M. Doremus, Donald R. Dowling, Anton Easterman, Robert W. Englehart, Charles Felle, Warren P. Flechtner, George F. Foust, Joseph A. Gamble, Cletus E. Grine, Fredrick E. Guhl, Carl A. Guyer, Fred L. Hamilton, Robert J. Hartzell, David R. Henderson, Joe D. Howard, Edwin J. Ignasiak, Robert H. Irvine, Lawrence A. James, Lionel R. Johnson, Paul A. Keller, Leon E. Kelley, John P. Kinney, Jr., F. Konwinski, Edward W. Kosakowski, Kenneth W. Kowalski, Frank Kozlik, Henry N. Kuhn, Jr., Arnold E. Lambrecht, Howard A. Leffingwell, Jr., Dorsey W. Lehman, Emery V. LeMay, Alvin F. Lesniewicz, Charles Lorreckovich, Walter A. Lulfs, Robert J. McCoy, Theodore A. McGee, John J. McNeeley, Dale R. Meacham, John A. Meyers, George F. Mihilic, Robert E. Miller, Harold E. Mills, Ernest F. Mischka, Donald L. Moor, Russell J. Myers, Andrew Nemeth, Geza Nero, Tadeusz Nowakowski, Daniel C. O'Keefe, Robert F. Oudeman, Walter J. Ozdowski, Harry F. Perrine, Robert J. Phillips, Charles Piazza, Joe Piazza, Edward Pietrazak, Hower W. Pinson, Edward T. Placek, Julius S. Poca, William A. Poca, Robert C. Powell, Clarence F. Pratt, Alvin F. Reed, Franklin N. Reid, Arnold Reminick, Ronald E. Rhody, Glenn D. Rice, Julius A. Rigo, Eugene T. Robenalt, Richard W. Roberts, Lester C. Robinson, Cleatious N. Rosencrantz, Mathew F. Ross, Anthony A. Rudnicki, John C. Sarisky, Elmer E. Sauerwein, Raymond D. Scherer, John Schisler, Phillip J. Schmidt, Elmer R. Schnuth, Roy R. Scofield, Michael Sedon, Steve J. Semicek, John H. Shank, Stanley T. Shedlak, Harold E. Shepard, James R. Shrader, Herman I. Skiver, John Skulas, Edward J. Slater, Joseph A. Slusarcyk, Albert B. Smith, Claire H. Smith, L. Smith, George W. Smyser, Elmer E. Sowder, Glenn J. Sowers, Clarence C. Srnka, John F. Stager, W. Stark, Arthur J. Suchta, Joseph A. Tomaiko, James B. Tomola, Duard L. Tucker, Ralph L. Turk, Michael Vodila, Robert C. Vogt, Leonard Waskiewicz, Glenn I. Watters, Raymond A. Weartz, Cyril A. Weibel, Joseph Westendorf, William J. Winter, Lester R. Wuestefeld.
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