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Alexei Taylor, Author

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Defining what is real may not be as easy as it seems. Everyone has their own conception on what is real and what is not. What, in the world we live in today, can be considered as real? Everything is manufactured using artificial materials; from Pharmaceuticals to fake spray tans. Within our daily life, we believe that the things we can touch and feel must be real but with the advancement of technology, simulation has developed into a point where it can be mistaken for reality. I am not referring to video games but many other forms of simulacra such as plastic surgery. The dictionary defines ‘real’ as “Actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact”. In this sense, anything and everything can be real. Since Cyberspace exists then it must mean it is ‘real’. In the end, the word ‘real’ completely depends on the person using it and what they think is real because, does it even matter if our world is artificial or real? As long as we are satisfied within our societies, the distinction is irrelevant.
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