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Alexei Taylor, Author

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Mimesis comes from the Ancient Greek word meaning “to imitate”. Mimesis can be defined as the act of re-creating or replicating something original from the real world in the form of expression or representation or any other method of creation. Mimesis can be anything from taking a picture with your camera to retelling a story you once heard. It can also be defined as artistic representation. The tool used to create mimesis is called the “mimetic faculty” which is the human capability to imitate. Michael Taussig describes the mimetic faculty as "the nature that culture uses to create second nature, the faculty to copy, imitate, make models, explore difference, yield into and become Other. The wonder of mimesis lies in the copy drawing on the character and power of the original, to the point whereby the representation may even assume that character and that power¹.” Mimesis creates a world of replicas and illusions by re-interpreting reality.
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