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Alexei Taylor, Author
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Dictionaries have a simple definition of this keyword, such
as the Free Dictionary’s: “
The imitation or representation of aspects of
the sensible world, especially human actions, in literature and art.” However,
if you read Taussig’s ‘Mimesis and Alterity’, written specifically to define and
explain this word you’ll see that it is much more than that.  Mimesis takes place in everyday life, not only
in literature and art. These are only two very clear examples in which we use
mimesis deliberately to communicate an idea.

The question with mimesis is: why? Why do we use mimesis? I believe
that most of the time we use mimesis unconsciously, like Kafka said: “everyone
feels a tickling at their heels”, everyone feels the need to experience things through
mimesis. Things that are different, what Taussig calls the Other.

In my opinion, it’s all about the reaction to the Other, you
either fear it or feel a strong need to copy it through mimesis. Our human
nature doesn’t allow us to choose something in between when we encounter the
true Other.

Something that must be mentioned is that our representation

of the Other includes in it, and is manipulated by, our interpretation of it.

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