Luis Pazos Clemens
This page is a tag of:
Get it back? Why?, Into the Forest, Stereoscopic 3D, The Children, Works cited, Epistemology, The Breakdown, Mercogliano's Definition, Machinery, Hybrid, Simulacra, Stereoscopic Effect, Inner Wildness, Metonymy, Into the Forest (Final project proposal), Machine human, Mimesis, Computers, 3D Glasses, Assemblage, Cirque du Soleil dress, Child movement, Aura (atmosphere), Sarah Goldfarb, from Requiem for a Dream, The dress, Changing the aura, Imaginary, Human machine, Aura, Obama & McCain colour swap, Wheatstone's Mirror Stereoscope, Hybrid little girl, Humautomaton, Mechanised Society, Actor, Humans will become machines, Absence, Knowledge, Bulwer-Lytton ‘s “the pen is mightier than the sword”, from Richelieu (CARTOON), Close up of the nose, Into the Forest Image, Aura (light), 3D Forest, Einstein's quote, Polarized Steroescopic 3D, Inner Wildness, Batman, Stephen Hawking View all tags
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