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Publishing The Art Bulletin

Editorial Statements, page 6 of 15

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Panel 6

1986 March vol. 68, no. 1 

Editor-in-Chief Richard Spear (1985–1988), announces in a statement From the Editor the resumption of State of the Field essays in response to the poor the quality of articles submitted to the journal (pdf).

The initial contribution: BRUNILDE SISMONDO RIDGWAY, The State of Research on Ancient Art (pdf).

1986 September vol. 68, no. 3

Editorial statement by Editor-in-Chief Richard Spear (1985–1988), Art History and the Blockbuster Exhibition (pdf)

Discussion: In Defense of Art History, A Response to Brunilde Ridgway by WILLIAM HOOD and BRUNILDE SISMONDO RIDGWAY's Reply (pdf).

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