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Publishing The Art Bulletin

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Panel 6

1980 June vol. 62, no.2

Beginning in this issue and continuing until 1985 June vol. 67, no. 3, thematic groups of some articles are listed on the front cover — and CAA monographs are listed on the back cover.

Beginning in this issue, some of the articles begin to be grouped thematically (as announced on the cover) in a practice that continues through June 1985. In this issue, the thematic groupings are: A Group of Quattrocento Studies and A Group of Seventeenth Century Studies.

First listing of abstracts of articles included in Table of Contents (as below for 1980 vol. 62, no. 3) until 1985, vol. 67, no. 3.

1980 September vol. 62, no. 3

Brief biographical descriptions of authors added to the Front Matter.

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