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Publishing The Art Bulletin

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Panel 6

2000 September vol. 82, no.  3

In her inaugural Editor's Note (pdf) Editor-in-Chief H. Perry Chapman (2000–2004) articulates her aims, and reflects:
The central mission of The Art Bulletin remains the publication of peer-reviewed scholarly articles that, whether they present well-known works in a fresh light or uncover new material, are significantly beyond their immediate field, methodologically groundbreaking, or just plain adventuresome in their complexity and compelling in their conclusions.  At the time of this writing, I have been receiving manuscripts for eight months. I get surprising pleasure from reading each as it comes in.  I am heartened by the boldness and variety of submissions, which have ranged from antiquity to the 1970s; covered East Asian, Indian, and African art, as well as the more usual Art Bulletin fare; and asked an astonishing array of field-defining questions. Somewhat less heartening is the number and quality of the submissions; I thought there would be more and better manuscripts.
Thus, I encourage submissions. . . .

Chapman's final Editor's Note (pdf) from 2004 June vol. 86, no. 2.

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