Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"The Schuyler Sisters"

Cast: Aaron Burr, Company, Angelica Schuyler, Eliza Schuyler, Peggy Schuyler

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 678, Words Counted Once: 193
Most common Words: "Work" (41 times), "Angelica" (26 times), "Hey" (23 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 586, Words Counted Once: 188
Most Common Words: "Work" (41 times), "Hey" (23 times), "Look" (16 times) 

In "The Schuyler Sisters" the audience is introduced to the curious, determined, and wealthy Angelica, Eliza and Peggy Schuyler. Angelica is the oldest and is quickly established as incredibly determined to join in the intellectual conversation regarding politics, while Eliza just likes being in the movement in the city and Peggy is nervous about being where they know they should not be. Although Aaron Burr tries to flirt with Angelica, but quickly gets shot down to prove that she has no interest in any person just interested in their looks and wealth.

Repetition is one of the many keys towards getting a song stuck in one's head and on top of that, this song includes fast lyrics (a great challenge to sing along), a lot of wit (Angelica "Burr you Disgust me" Burr "Ah, so you've discussed me") and overall women power (something that is not thought of when talking about the founding FATHERS). When I first heard this song I instantly fell in love with the three women who, similar to my life as a female college student, want to have educated conversation as I join the ones who are trying to change the world. There is so much overlapping of lyrics that it is no surprise that the total number of words is much higher than when each word is counted only once. It signify not only the hustle of a busy city, but no matter what everyone else in the world is focused on (including the girls), the Schuyler sisters are focused on making their names known aside from their wealth. 

It makes sense that "Work" is the most common word in both categories because the girls are determined to find a mind or a man (yeah that was just how it was at the time) who works hard. There is a stigma with the rich that they do not have to do anything because they have everything handed to them, but even the Schuyler Sisters, especially Angelica, who is one of the top words, are trying to break out of the stigmas society has for them. "Hey" and "Look" are also used often because they support the story part of the girls calling attention (and being called at) to the busy city life around them. This song adds to the overall popularity because everyone from the scrappy nobodies, like Alexander, all the way to the wealthy, the Schuyler sisters, want out of their own life as they go to create their own legacy. In this case, the best way to do that is to "Work"!

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC