Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"


Cast: Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, John Laurens, Eliza Schuyler, Female Ensemble, Angelica Schuyler

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 788, Words Counted Once: 266
Most common Words: "I'm" (32 times), "Helpless" (23 times), "Hey" (21 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 739, Words Counted Once: 259
Most Common Words: "I'm" (32 times), "Helpless" (23 times), "Hey" (21 times) 

"Helpless" establishes the love story of Eliza and Alexander. Eliza notices Alexander from across the room and tells her sister how she has dibs on him. Like a great wing-women, Angelica approaches Alexander and introduces the two. From there the two instantly fall for each other and spend the next couple months writing letters to each other. Eventually Alexander gets Mr. Schuyler's approval, Alexander proposes and Eliza Schuyler becomes Mrs. Eliza Hamilton. 

This song also contains a hefty difference in word counts, but in this case it is because of the repetition used as convincing as the two become fascinated with each other and repeat the same phrases over and over in an attempt to win the hearts and continue promoting the main ideas of the song that support the main topics of the musical.

The most common words happen to be exactly the same. Although this is a longer song with lots of one character singing over another, there are not a lot of people in this song because it is so focused on Alexander, Eliza and even Angelica, even the other characters who are featured singers, only have a line here or there or provide backup to one of the main three. As for the word "I'm" it continues to signify the individual person going after what they want. In this case it is Alexander going after Eliza and vice versa because this is that moment that the "I'm" turns into a "we". The idea of being helpless is another major theme in the musical that can be found in the lyrics. In this case it is the gut feeling in a situation that cannot be changed. However the difference in this song is that the feeling of helplessness is because of true love; so it is more of a cute good thing because no one can help that feeling when they see each other. Finally the word "hey" continues to be used to call the attention to another. Something that Angelica does to Alexander as she supports her sister's dreams and the audience enjoys the happiness that both lovers get to experience.

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC