Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"Blow Us All Away"

 Cast: Philip Hamilton, Ensemble, Martha, Dolly, George Eacker, Alexander Hamilton

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 591, Words Counted Once: 301
Most common Words: "Philip" (22 times), "I'm" (10 times), "George" (9 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 546, Words Counted Once: 294
Most Common Words: "I'm" (10 times), "Father" (5 times), "Can't" (4 times) 

Philip Hamilton recently graduated King's College and is on a mission to confront a man named George Eacker because he insulted his father's name. Two ladies named Martha and Dolly tell him he is in a theatre box. Naturally (being the son of Alexander) Philip confronts Mr. Eacker, but it is told now is not the place; instead they will battle it out in a duel. Alexander tells his son to aim his gun to the sky because killing a man is a burden Philip and Eliza cannot handle. Philip nervously approaches the duel and during the countdown, at number 7, Eacker fires the weapon striking Philip. 

This song is fine lessons of legacies don’t always go as planned. Philip stood up for what he believes in and took the honorable way out causing his life. However by firing his gun in the air, Philip adds to his father's good name. This song poses the question of does a person do the moral correct thing, but it being there demise or do they do the morally incorrect thing, but continue living? This will be an important question later in life. Although duels are not really a thing that happens in 2017, the moral vs personal gain question is still happening in many aspects of the world. It keeps the audience coming back to process the events of the song and in turn the whole play in order to apply those lessons to their real life. 

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC