Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"Aaron Burr, Sir"

Cast: Ensemble, Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, John Laurens, Marquis de Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 457, Words Counted Once: 249
Most common Words: "Burr" (16 times), "Hamilton" (12 times), "Laurens" (12 times), "I'm" (9 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 424, Words Counted Once: 248
Most Common Words: "I'm" (9 times), "Sir" (5 times), "Burr" (4 times), "Time" (4 times)

In this second song, the audience finds Alexander on a mission to locate the established hero Aaron Burr. Alexander receives the information to "talk less, smile more" that throws him off because all he wants to do is fight for what he beliefs. Then the rowdy, but fun gang of John Laurens, Marquis de Lafayette, and Hercules Mulligan enter and are surprised by the young Alexander.

It is no surprise that three out of the four most used words are names of the characters. The song starts off with just Burr and Hamilton introducing themselves. Alexander desires to be just like Aaron Burr, he disagrees with Burr's ideas of not standing up for one's beliefs establishing the love/hate relationship that will propel them through the whole play. When the other boys join the party John Laurens is the first one to describe himself and call to the group to do the same. The final word, "I'm" is incredibly important because "I'm" is the most used word in the whole show and this is the start. In this case "I'm" is used in the classic Shakespearean style of writing where the actors say their character's name so the audience knows who they are. 

Now in the set without names the most used word is "I'm". This makes sense because the boys are introducing themselves in a joking fashion through simple raps. So there are parts where, even without the names, a reader would know that at least part of that area is said by a specific character. "Sir" and "Burr" are used together because Alexander is intimidated by Aaron Burr, thus he would use the more respectful term when addressing his superior. The fact that he says his name followed by "Sir" will become a common phrase and with the word "time", it relates to the theme of legacy because time moves forward it becomes more urgent for Alexander to do something. 

Although this is a shorter song, it still plays a part in the overall popularity and story because the basic rhyming that old school rap is known for starts to get involved and the audience starts to fall in love with the rag-tag group of boys.

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC