In order to complete Assignment 8, you must look forward to
Assignments 9 and 10; visit those pages to see what you will be required to do for each and to understand how these Assignments build upon one another to give you the best opportunities to learn about your topic before you write an argumentative essay about it. You should also return to your Google Document from Assignment 2 and not only think about what you wrote there, but also consider the comments you received from me. You need not choose a topic that you wrote about there––you should feel free to explore something entirely different if you would like––but it can be useful to think about how your interests have developed or changed over the course of a single semester.
1. Open up a document. With your final paper assignment in mind, choose at least two (but no more than three) topics that you would be happy to learn more about and that you believe would make suitable subject matter for Assignment 10.
2. For each topic you might pursue, write a few sentences that explain why the topic is important and relevant for the audience identified in the prompt for Assignment 10, supporting these claims about significance with sound reasoning and persuasive evidence.
3. For each topic you might pursue, write a few sentences about the background/historical information you would need to learn in order to inform your readers and to demonstrate that you have done the necessary research to speak with authority on the matter.
4. Conclude your discussion of each topic with any questions or concerns you have about pursuing it; what, in particular, do you think might require additional direction or assistance from me and your classmates?
5. Proofread your document; cut and paste your written text into the Blackboard Discussion forum allotted for this purpose. Your topics will be visible to all members of the class, who will be given opportunities to respond.