US Latinx Activism and Protests: From the Farm to the (Legislative) Table

Transportation Journey

During 1942 to 1964, Mexicans were allowed to legally enter the United States to obtain a better lifestyle and economic stability for their families once they returned home. Due to the fact that many civilians did not have job opportunities in their home land, they would decide to leave and come towards the United States since it was advertised by everyone. By it being the top and popular story, they would take upon the journey, but did not know how it would be. They would start off in Mexico and travel to the border of the United States where they would wait in line to enter. Once they crossed, they would leave in trains or buses to their destination to work. Many of the times, it would take them days to arrive. During their transportation, they would have no food resources nor private area to urinate. The trains or buses they would travel in were not made to accommodate long journeys. As a result, they would suffer before arriving at their destination. 

Immigrants would migrate from Mexico to the United states, since they were assured to obtain a better lifestyle. However, no one told them about the dangers and difficulties that they would suffer going through the entire journey. In their minds, they would think it was an easy and simple journey to get to the other side. However, once they were in it, they noticed it was a long journey they would undertake to be able to reach the United states. It would take them a certain amount of time to arrive to the border, which was just the first stop. After, they had to wait until they were given a contract and a destination, which would not be given at the moment they arrived. Instead, they had to wait a few days to pass and hopefully make the cut for the day to obtain a contract. If not they had to wait a day or a few more days until they were given a contract. Once it was given, they were placed on buses or trains to reach different destinations around the United States. It could take a few days or weeks depending on their destination due to the constant stops that their transportation vehicle would make.   .    

Donec ultrices turpis rhoncus vestibulum commodo. Donec vehicula neque nec maximus tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Praesent rhoncus, tortor id consectetur condimentum, ipsum ipsum elementum diam, ut facilisis ante lacus quis lacus. Donec gravida posuere lorem sit amet tempor. Phasellus suscipit auctor nunc dapibus tristique. Praesent a volutpat nulla. Praesent fringilla metus non tempor accumsan. Fusce a nibh vel quam lobortis ultricies. Donec eu turpis sit amet velit luctus auctor. In consequat at quam in eleifend. Suspendisse blandit eget magna eu scelerisque. Praesent suscipit, est eu semper mollis, tortor mi vulputate tellus, sit amet varius odio turpis vel nisl. Vivamus augue elit, tempor ut quam quis, aliquet egestas risus. Integer quis imperdiet ante. Praesent risus nisl, tempus vel augue sit amet, suscipit fermentum quam.

Integer mattis venenatis massa sit amet condimentum. Maecenas placerat id metus ac pulvinar. Mauris iaculis mauris in aliquet tristique. Vestibulum quis tortor interdum, pharetra ipsum at, cursus lacus. Fusce sagittis eget neque maximus lobortis. Mauris eu odio eget odio lobortis euismod sit amet id libero. Phasellus porta dapibus sapien a luctus. In vel justo eu elit mattis rhoncus quis non mi. Nulla finibus ex non maximus aliquet. Etiam maximus dapibus sapien, sit amet laoreet neque elementum auctor. Vestibulum viverra vehicula fringilla. Nunc luctus sodales est, finibus pellentesque risus convallis id. Nullam nec purus ullamcorper arcu mollis viverra.

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