Wrath of the Storm-Tossed Sea by DEVIN P. HIGGINS
The sea is large and looming,
Powerful waves are all-consuming.
Overhead, the thunder’s booming.
At first, the night was still,
A raft didn’t want a thrill,
But that was not the sea’s will.
The raft wants nothing but out
Of this sudden violent bout,
Ability is shadowed by doubt.
The sea’s laws are strict,
One way must be picked.
But here there’s only conflict.
Here, there is danger
In staying to choice a stranger,
And the sea is not a changer.
I have to choose, and now,
To one side I have to bow
To the other, I break a vow.
But whatever I choose
Will leave a bruise
For the other side I lose.
Indecision angers both sides,
The storm readily intensifies.
The raft is splintered by the tides.
Why couldn’t I be straight?
I think as I succumb to fate,
But a small voice whispers, “Wait”.
The storm is much too great,
And I’m crushed under its weight,
The voice still says to wait.
Waves toss and questions berate,
But I confront my inner hate,
And in peace we whisper, “wait”.DEVIN P. HIGGINS is a third-year Mechanical Engineering major with a Computer Science minor. They are a longtime fiction writer and the current president of UAA's Creative Writing Club. Along with writing, they also have a passion for math and games of every kind.