Colorado Fuel and Iron: Culture and Industry in Southern Colorado Main MenuCF&I TimelinePredecessor and Subsidiary CompaniesMiningHealth and SafetyEthnic Groups and DiversityImportant PeopleEmployee LifeLabor Relations in the Industrial WestLand and WaterCities and TownsSteel ProductionArtifactsCompany PublicationsAssorted Histories and Short StoriesQuips and blurbs relating to Southern Colorado's industrial historyThe Steelwsorks Center of the WestBooks and Other ResourcesCredits and AcknowledgementsChristopher J. Schrecka2fcfe32c1f76dc9d5ebe09475fa72e5633cc36dC.J. Schreck
Minnequa Dairy
12016-05-10T08:14:36-07:00Christopher J. Schrecka2fcfe32c1f76dc9d5ebe09475fa72e5633cc36d72422plain2016-05-10T08:40:30-07:00Christopher J. Schrecka2fcfe32c1f76dc9d5ebe09475fa72e5633cc36dCF&I purchased this property and began making improvements to the dairy in 1917, which included the purchase a whole heard of new cows; “the best Holstein grade heard that could be found.” CF&I took control of the Minnequa Dairy to provide patients of the Minnequa Hospital, also owned by the company, with a supply of milk that was “beyond suspicion.” The Minnequa Dairy was located near present-day Stem Beach, just south of Pueblo, and operated until the 1930’s.