The Challenges of Born-Digital Fiction: Editions, Translations, and Emulations: The Multimedia Accompaniment to the Print Edition

Playthrough of the 2018 Emulation of Funhouse

This video shows the way in which readers interact with the emulated version of Uncle Buddy's Phantom Funhouse. This version of the digital files produced in 2018 runs in the Mini vMac environment and can be found at the Internet Archive. It uses the Mac Plus emulator (pce/macplus), considered a classic Macintosh emulator. The computer the system is emulating was released by the Apple Corporation in 1986 and, so, would have been one used by readers of this work. 

The functionality of this version aims to approximate the original. Missing are the sounds that are part of interacting with the original version on the Macintosh computer—the humming of the computer and clicking on the hyperlinks that filled the silence and assured readers their actions would reap results. Readers would also have had to load the contents of the five floppy disks on the computer, a task not needed with the emulation.

As in the original, readers need to access the "Read Me First" file before clicking on the work's many icons since it is this file introduces its conceit. Another noticeable visual difference between the original and the emulated editions not identified on the previous page of this book include the way the work looks on the computer's monitor, specifically the additional "HyperCardSys7" file. Readers may also notice the quicker speed at which the screens load in this edition than with the earlier edition. What goes unnoticed by readers new to the work would be the presence of the two musical cassette tapes, the edited short story, and the editor's letter that they would have had to consult in order to solve the mystery of the disappearance of Arthur "Buddy" Newkirk.

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