The Challenges of Born-Digital Fiction: Editions, Translations, and Emulations: The Multimedia Accompaniment to the Print Edition

Comparison of Loading Screens for 1992/93 Floppy Disk Edition & 2018 Emulation of Funhouse


These video clips demonstrate the differences in the visual presentation between the 1992/93 Floppy Disk Edition of McDaid's Funhouse and the 2018 emulation of it. The emulation, for example, shows a "Wastebasket," the term used for the International English localizations of the icon, instead of "Trash," used when Classic System Software 1.0 was released in 1984. Additionally, 17 of the 20 files of the 1992/93 Floppy Disk Edition are in color while those found in the emulation are not. 

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