Problem: the leader's emotions may cloud his/her ability to foresee the consequences of his/her actions
The leader's emotions may cloud his/her ability to foresee the consequences of his/her actions. In Iliad One Achilles predicts that Agamemnon will regret his decision to take Briseis from him (a decision he does come to regret). Agamemnon will later blame this failure on divine folly (ate) sent by Zeus.
WHY this may be a problem
A lot of leadership is about taking risks and assessing risks at the time of decision. Any impairment to the ability to take risks will only increase the chances of failure.
QUESTIONS to consider
What is it about the leadership role that causes leaders to engage in risky behavior?
What is it about the leadership role that causes leaders to fail to see the consequences of their actions?
FURTHER reading
Here's an article on how merely holding a position of power causes the brain to be impaired for calculating risk: