This page was created by Ellen Rethwisch.  The last update was by Abbey Benson.

Star of the Sea : A Postcolonial/Postmodern Voyage into the Irish Famine

Scholarly Works

Gráda, Cormac Ó. "Ireland's Great Famine: An Overview." Centre for Economic Research (2004): n. pag. University College Dublin. Web.

Henderson, Lori. "The Irish Famine: A Historiographical Review." Historia 15 (2006): 133-40. Historia. Eastern Illinois University. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.​.

Farrell, James M. "Reporting the Irish Famine in America: Images of "Suffering Ireland" in the American Press, 1845-1848." University   of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository. University of New Hampshire, n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.

Researcher/Writer: Ben Deetz
Tech Designers: Abbey Benson and Ellen Rethwisch

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