This path was created by Ellen Rethwisch.  The last update was by Abbey Benson.

Star of the Sea : A Postcolonial/Postmodern Voyage into the Irish Famine


While artistic memory can be physically shown memorials, as evidenced in the previous section of the website, books are also a viable medium for artistic memory to be expressed. Similarly to memorials, books provide a way for voices previously silenced to be expressed through a variety of means. Historical fiction books allow for the creative narration of situations and experiences of the past to revive the dormant aspects of the past as personal connections can be established to the works and what the works are about. While there is value in the educational, non-fiction writings, the personal connections that can be established with works of historical fiction add an extra element of value that vastly improves accuracy of perception and awareness of life during the famine. In the following pages, you will find lists of books and writings involving the famine in one way or another, that do exemplary jobs of bridging the past and the present so that readers are immersed in a stylistic portrayal of experiences of the past. The list serves to be used for reference if interested in exploring further readings.

Researcher/Writer: Ben Deetz
Tech Designers: Abbey Benson and Ellen Rethwisch

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