Space, Place, and Mapping ILA387 Spring 2016

Assigned Reading Annotated Bibliography

Assigned Readings Annotated Bibliography:
We will be compiling an annotated bibliography of the assigned readings as the course progresses, with each reading becoming a Scalar page. Each reading will have its own page (assigned) with a brief critical summary consisting of one- or two-sentence answers to the following questions:
  1. What is the author’s point of view/perspective/approach?
  2. What is/are the main research question/s?
  3. How does the author attempt to answer the main research question?
  4. Does the work deliver in terms of answering the main question/s?
  5. Does the article, chapter, etc. have any limitations or biases?
  6. What is the significance of the work? In other words, what is its major contribution? (This can be conceptual, or methodological...)
  7. How does this work help us think about space, place, and/or mapping?
  8. Chose one stimulating/productive/provocative quote that epitomizes the contribution made by the piece, or the author's central argument.
In class we will think about whether the pieces can be put into dialogue in any way; whether there are points of contact between them. All students should be prepared to answer these questions in class (not just the person who wrote the annotation)

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