Online Activism: A Failure or a Success?
To answer your third question, which is also a response to my title, is the Bernie Sanders movement. The hashtag #feelthebern has become a catchphrase in the Sander's campaign and reading his tweets and hearing his speeches in his rallies, it made more care more about the political process. The Sanders' campaign inspire me to phonebank, go to rallies, go to some protests, the most recent one I went to was the #OccupyCNN, in which we protested in front of the CNN building on Sunset Blvd about their bias and their lack of coverage of the Sanders' campaign. In this case, online activism did work. Other times, it does not, which is evident in the Kony 2012 online campaign to arrest Ugandan Joseph Kony for the war crimes he committed. That was a failure and it was soon forgotten.