Race and the Digital: Racial Formation and 21st Century Technologies


I believe that STEM programs that target children, girls, of color are infact beneficial to them. I had an internship with LA's Promise, a non-profit organization that works with students from low income neighborhoods as a support system to lead them to a succesful life. La's promise created a kind of program that is called iChicas that exposes young middle school girls to tenchonolgy based fields etc. From what I noticed, the girls were very enthusiastic about the program. I remember speaking to a girl and she told me that because of the program she was going to work hard in school to become a doctor. It made me happy to see young girls grt excited and interested in fields that we are told at a young age that are meant for boys.
After this exposure to iChicas, i believe that girls are not as interested in stem fields because of the lack of resources. Children are eager to learn, and iChicas proves this. Girls want to be included and feel accepted when pursuing STeM fields.

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