This page was created by Avery Freeman. The last update was by Jeanne Britton.
The Digital PiranesiMain MenuAboutThe Digital Piranesi is a developing digital humanities project that aims to provide an enhanced digital edition of the works of Italian illustrator Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778).Works and VolumesGenres, Subjects, and ThemesBibliographyGlossary
Plan of the Baths of Titus
12021-03-30T11:16:11-07:00Avery Freemanb9edcb567e2471c9ec37caa50383522b90999cba228494Pianta delle Terme di Titoplain2024-05-03T07:31:30-07:00Pianta delle Terme di Tito, con suo Tiepidario, dette le Sette Sale, a con gl' avanzi della sua Casa. La tinta più nera indica la fabrica esistente, la più leggiera ciò, ce da me è stato supplito.; 1. Avanzi della Casa di Tito, quali s’internano col primo Piano. 2. Cordonata al Piano superiore. 3. Piazza della Palestra. 4. Abbaini, che portano il lume a Bagni, e Corridoj. 5. Cella Soleare con Vestiboli, Atrj, Tablini, Sisto, Cavedj, Esedre per ì Filosofi, e Bagno per gl’Atleti. 6. Bagno degl’Atleti. 7. Portico innanzi al Teatro. 8. Teatro. 9. Emicicli per uso de Filosofi, e della Gioventù, che in essi s’esercitavano, con stanze per riporre le lor vesti, ed i stili necessarj. 10. Tiepidario, detto le Sette Sale. 11. Ponte, per mezzo del quale si passava all’altre Fabriche, come vedremo in appresso.; Piranesi Archit(etto) dis(egnò) inc(ise).Plan of the Baths of Titus with the Tepidarium, called the Seven Halls, and the remains of his House. The darker ink indicates the extant building, and the lighter ink indicates my additions.; 1. Remains of the House of Titus, which are buried with the first Floor. 2. Staircase to the upper floor. 3. The square of the Palestra. 4. Attic rooms illuminating the Baths and Corridors. 5. Sunroom with vestibules, atria, tablina, a xystus, courtyards, and exedra for the philosophers and a bath for the athletes. 6. Bath for the athletes. 7. Portico in front of the Theater. 8. Theater. 9. Hemicycles where the philosophers and youths exercised, with dressing rooms to change into the necessary garments.10. Tepidarium, called the Seven Halls. 11. Bridge, over which one passed to the other buildings, as we shall soon see.; Drawn and engraved by the Architect Piranesi.Jeanne Brittone120651dde677d5cf1fd515358b14d86eb289f11
12020-04-10T20:59:04-07:00Plan of the Baths of Titus1from Volume 01 of Giovanni Battista Piranesi's Opereplain2020-04-10T20:59:04-07:00Internet Archivepiranesi-ia-vol1-046.jpgimage