Reclaiming Ohi:yo'- Restoring the Altered Landscape of the Beautiful River

The Eroding Banks of Ohi:yo'

Significant loss of our river's banks has been observed since the creation of the reservoir, which is likely a result of the frequent water level fluctuations, stream direction and velocities, wave action, and geological conditions.

The seasonal lowering and emptying of the water reserves within the reservoir leave our inundated land exposed and unprotected to weather elements for part of the year. This annual exposure makes it difficult for natural vegetation to grow, which acts as a barrier to erosion caused in part by the frequent water-level fluctuations. Our native plants that grow along Ohi:yo' are also culturally important. Some plant species, such as sassafras, are used by our Seneca people for medicinal purposes. 

Erosion at Highbanks has been documented since the 1980s. One of the environmental consequences of the severe erosion at Highbanks has been the loss of two Bald Eagle nesting trees. According to the Watershed Resources Working Group, a technical advisory board to the Seneca Nation's Council, there have been no more reports of nesting activity along Highbanks shoreline.

Highbanks and Highbanks Campground, a popular recreational area along our river, is located on the outer bank of a large bend in Ohi:yo' and sits opposite of Quaker Run. The moving river channel is adjacent to Highbanks boat launch. 


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