Scalar Header Bar
1 2014-10-03T10:30:13-07:00 Curtis Fletcher 3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e 3296 1 plain 2014-10-03T10:30:14-07:00 Curtis Fletcher 3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673eThis page is referenced by:
Getting to Know the Interface
Introduction to Scalar's interface elements.
Framing the top of every page is Scalar's header bar which gives you access to utilities for navigating and editing (if you’re logged in and have editing privileges). If the header bar is currently hidden, scroll towards the top of the page to make it appear.
At the top right of the header bar, you'll see a suite of utilities for editing pages and media. These utilities include the following:
Search. Allows you to search for content contained in the current Scalar.
Help. Brings up the Scalar help menu.
New. Create a new page.
Edit. Edit the current page.
Import. Reveals a dropdown menu allowing you to import/upload media.
Delete. Delete the current page.
Dashboard. Brings you to the Scalar dashboard.
User Account. Reveals a dropdown menu allowing you to sign in/out and access the "My account" tab in the Scalar dashboard.
In addition, if you're on a media page the annotation icon
will appear in the toolbar as well, just after the edit icon.
At the top-left of the header bar, you'll find a series of navigation icons. Rolling over the menu icon
reveals the book's main menu, which acts as a kind of table of contents for the book. (To learn how to add items to the Main Menu for your own book, visit the dashboard section). Clicking on the title of a page within the main menu will navigate the reader to that page. Clicking on the arrow
just to the right of a page title will reveal the information tab for that page. If a page in the menu is also a path, its information tab will contain a submenu listing the pages in that path. Thus, by revealing the paths contained within main menu items, and (if they exist) sub-paths within those paths, the main menu can give readers an interactive, global view of a book's path structure.
Embedding Third Party Material into a Scalar Page
The best way to embed a map, timeline or any other third party platform into a Scalar page is by using an iframe tag (read more about iframes here).
Here's how to do it.Clickin your in your Scalar header bar to create a new page, or navigate to an existing page in which you'd like to insert a third party material and click
to edit that page.
Click the "Source" tab at the top of the page editor.Find the url where the map, timeline or other material resides.Paste the code below into the html editor, being sure to insert the url you have inside the quotation marks after src=. Also be sure to include http:// at the beginning of the url you're using. (See below for seeting the paramaters for "frameborder," "height" and "width.")
<iframe src="[your url]" frameborder="0" height="650" width="100%"></iframe>
Using your own url, your code should then look something like this:
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="650" ></iframe
Under "Layout," select "Blank Slate."
Click "Save."
Frameborder defines the width of the border around the material inside the iframe; a frameborder of 0 means there is no frame; a frameborder of N (frameborder="N") will place a border N pixels wide around the material.
Width sets the width of the material displayed. Width can be set to pixels or percentages. Setting the width to 100% (as in the example above) allows the iframe to expand to the maximum width allowed inside the main content area of a Scalar page.
Height sets the height of the material displayed. In the example above, we've set the height to 650 pixels. -
QuickStart: Adding media to a page
How to add media links to a Scalar page.
These steps will add a media link to a page; the placement and size of the resulting media player depends in part on the page's default view. To insert media at a specific position on the page, see Adding inline media to a page. Note that before adding media to a page you will need to have already imported the media into Scalar.
- Sign in to your Scalar account.
- Click
in your Scalar header bar to create a new page, or navigate to an existing page and click
to edit that page.
- Select the text you want to link to the media.
- Click
and select the media you want to link.
- Using the media reference options select the following display preferences:
- Size. Choices include “Small” (206px wide), “Medium” (412px wide), “Large” (620px wide), “Full” (maximum wide of the page), and “Native” (the original size of the media up to the maximum width of the page).
- Alignment. Choices include "Left" (aligned left), "Center" (aligned center), and "Right" (aligned right).
- Caption. Choices include "Description" (the description for the media object will be displayed), "Title" (the title of the media object will be displayed), "Title and description" (the title and description for the media object will be displayed), and "None" (neither title nor description will be displayed).
- Next to "Default layout," select the layout you want for this page (only Basic, Image Header and Google Maps views support linked media).
- Click "Save."
For more details, see Adding Media and Links.
QuickStart: Adding inline annotated media to a page
These steps will embed a media player cued to an annotation in a page at a specific point. To insert a annotation link instead (less precise, but more flexible in that the default view for the page helps determine the placement and size of the resulting media player), see Adding annotated media to a page. Note that before adding an annotation to a page you will need to have already created the annotation in Scalar.
- Sign in to your Scalar account.
- Click
in your Scalar header bar to create a new page, or navigate to an existing page and click
to edit that page.
- Select the text you want to link to the annotated media.
- Click
and select the media with the annotations you want to link.
- Using the media reference options to select the following display preferences:
- Size. Choices include “Small” (206px wide), “Medium” (412px wide), “Large” (620px wide), “Full” (maximum wide of the page), and “Native” (the original size of the media up to the maximum width of the page).
- Alignment. Choices include "Left" (aligned left), "Center" (aligned center), and "Right" (aligned right).
- Caption. Choices include "Description" (the description for the media object will be displayed), "Title" (the title of the media object will be displayed), "Title and description" (the title and description for the media object will be displayed), and "None" (neither title nor description will be displayed).
- Next to "Annotations" select which annotations associated with the media object will display. Clicking the eye icon next to “Annotation Title,” at the top of the menu, will alternately select and de-select all annotations in the list.
- Next to “Featured annotation,” choose which of the annotations selected in the previous step will be "Featured," that is, which will display its content on page load.
- Click "Save."
For more details, see Adding Media and Links.
QuickStart: Adding inline media to a page
How to embed media directly into a Scalar page.
Following these steps will embed a media player in a page at a specific point. To insert a media link instead (less precise, but more flexible in that the default view for the page helps determine the placement and size of the resulting media player), see Adding media to a page. Note that before adding media to a page you will need to have already imported the media into Scalar.
- Sign in to your Scalar account.
- Click
in your Scalar header bar to create a new page, or navigate to an existing page and click
to edit that page.
- Place the insertion point at the point in the page where you want to embed the media.
- Click
and select the media you want to embed.
- Using the media reference options select the following display preferences:
- Size. Choices include “Small” (206px wide), “Medium” (412px wide), “Large” (620px wide), “Full” (maximum wide of the page), and “Native” (the original size of the media up to the maximum width of the page).
- Alignment. Choices include "Left" (aligned left), "Center" (aligned center), and "Right" (aligned right).
- Caption. Choices include "Description" (the description for the media object will be displayed), "Title" (the title of the media object will be displayed), "Title and description" (the title and description for the media object will be displayed), and "None" (neither title nor description will be displayed).
- Click "Save."
For more details, see Adding Media and Links.
QuickStart: Creating a path
How to create a path in Scalar.
- Sign in to your Scalar account.
- Click
in your Scalar header bar to create a new page, or navigate to an existing page and click
to edit that page.
- Click on the "Relationships" tab and select "Path".
- Next to the text reading "To make this page a path," click "specify the items that it contains."
- Select the content you want to add to the path and click "Add selected."
- Drag and drop the content to reorder it if necessary.
- Click "Save."
For more details, see Whole-Whole Relationships.
Creating Pages
How to add text content to a Scalar book.
To create pages in Scalar, you must be logged in to a book for which you have Author privileges. Once logged in, a suite of icons--new page, edit, import, trash, dashboard and account--should appear in your Scalar header bar. To create a new page, click the
QuickStart: Creating a tag
How to create a tag in Scalar.
- Sign in to your Scalar account.
- Click
in your Scalar header bar to create a new page, or navigate to an existing page and click
to edit that page.
- Click on the "Relationships" tab and select "Tag".
- Next to the text "To make this page a tag," click "specify the items that it tags."
- Select the content you want to tag and click "Add selected."
- Click "Save."
For more details, see Whole-Whole Relationships.
QuickStart: Adding notes to a page
How to add a note link to a Scalar page.
- Sign in to your Scalar account.
- Click
in your Scalar header bar to create a new page, or navigate to an existing page and click
to edit that page.
- Select the text you want to link to the note.
- Click
and select the content you want to link as a note.
- Click "Save."
For more details, see Adding Media and Links.
QuickStart: Adding miscellaneous content links to a page
How to link any online content to a page.
- Sign in to your Scalar account.
- Click
in your Scalar header bar to create a new page, or navigate to an existing page and click
to edit that page.
- Select the text you want to link to the content.
- Click
and enter the URL of the content you want to link, then click "OK."
- Click "Save."
For more details, see Adding Media and Links.
QuickStart: Adding Scalar content links to a page
How to link other Scalar content to a page.
- Sign in to your Scalar account.
- Click
in your Scalar header bar to create a new page, or navigate to an existing page and click
to edit that page.
- Select the text you want to link to the Scalar content.
- Click
and select the content you want to link.
- Click "Save."
For more details, see Adding Media and Links.
Hiding and Deleting Pages
How to hide, and ultimately delete, Scalar content.
If you are logged into a book for which you have Author privileges, you will see a
icon in your Scalar header bar. Clicking this button doesn't actually delete the page; it simply puts it "in the trash," hiding it from public view.
Using the content tabs Dashboard, you can find these hidden pages and either make them live again, or delete them entirely. For more information, visit the Content Tabs page.