Scalar 2 User's Guide

Editorial Workflow

Scalar’s Editorial Workflow provides tools for authors and editors to manage projects as they proceed through copyediting and editorial review. These tools include:

Editorial state tracking. Every piece of content is assigned an editorial state which describes its current status in the editorial workflow. These states affect the kinds of actions authors and editors can take on the content.

Continuous scroll editing. Using the Editorial Path, editors can scroll through the entire content of a book, sorting on various criteria and making changes as needed without having to navigate from page to page.

“Track changes” style edit highlighting. Authors and editors are prompted to accept or reject highlighted changes made by the other, including changes to media formatting.

Informal usage rights tracking. A “usage rights” checkbox allows authors and editors to informally track whether rights are confirmed to have been secured for each piece of content in the book.

Editorial status at a glance. The new Editorial tab in the Dashboard provides a quick overview of the editorial status of the entire book, and allows authors and editors to quickly change the state of multiple items at once.

Edition management. Editors can publish the current state of a book as an “edition,” which will remain static even if future changes are made. New editions incorporating subsequent changes can be published whenever necessary.

Important: The Editorial Workflow works best with “clean” content and markup (see the Pasting Text Into Scalar section of Adding Text)—the redundant markup added to text by other word processing programs can interfere with change tracking.

Contents of this path:

  1. Editorial Workflow Steps
  2. Before You Begin Editing
  3. Editorial Tab
  4. Editorial Path
  5. Editorial Workflow Content Editing