Exhibiting Historical Art: Out of the Vault: Stories of People and Things

St. John the Baptist

John the Baptist is a figure in the New Testament who is known for playing a key role in the life of Jesus. St. John is known for pointing the way towards Jesus and identifying him as the Lamb of God. Repentance and baptism were stressed by St. John before one’s coming into the religion. John the Baptist is also known for baptizing Jesus, thus enforcing their bond throughout Jesus’s lifetime. Commonly known as the “baptist” or “baptizer,” St. John was known for his distinctive type of water immersion. After Jesus’s baptism, St. John’s purpose of being was seen as fulfilled, causing the rest of his life to be less closely related to the Saviour’s. St. John spread the teachings of righteousness throughout the rest of his life, becoming a devoted prophet. The various political implications of St. John’s teachings caused him to be arrested and later executed by Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee and Perea.

St. John’s dramatic life combined with his straightforwardness and ruggedness has caused St. John to be highly depicted in art. Although he was represented in various stages of his life, Villabrille choose to depict St. John when he was older. This image of St. John is most likely depicting his execution or torture while being arrested. The agony on his face is distressing, reminding the viewer of St. John’s sacrifice for Christ. By choosing such a prominent figure in Jesus’s life, Villabrille stresses the topic of religion, specifically Catholicism. During a time of such religious transformation, a piece like St. John on a Platter was important for swaying public opinion. 

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