Bringing the Holy Land Home: The Crusades, Chertsey Abbey, and the Reconstruction of a Medieval Masterpiece

Sources and Further Reading

By Grace Acquilano '22

Bacci, Michele. Review of Icons and Power: The Mother of God in Byzantium by Bissera V. Pentcheva. Studies in Iconography 30 (2009): 222–27.

Binski, Paul. Medieval Craftsmen: Painters. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 6-59.

Folda, Jaroslav. Byzantine Art and Italian Panel Painting: The Virgin and Child Hodegetria and the art of Chrysography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Milyayeva, Lyudmila. Icons. New York: Parkstone International, 2014.

Nelson, Robert S. “Living on the Byzantine Borders of Western Art.” Gesta 35, no. 1 (1996): 3–11.

Schadler, Koo. “History of Egg Tempera Painting.” 2017.

Os, H. W. van. Sienese Altarpieces, 1215-1460: Form, Content, Function. Groningen: Bouma’s Boekhuis, 1988. 11-38.

"Virgin and Child." Italian Renaissance Learning Resources. National Gallery of Art.

"Icons and Iconoclasm in Byzantium." Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

"Italian Painting of The Later Middle Ages." Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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