This path was created by Curtis Fletcher. 

Complex TV

Table of Contents

This site hosts video clips complementing Complex TV: The Poetics of Contemporary Television Storytelling by Jason Mittell (NYU Press, 2015). Follow the links below for each chapter's videos, navigate via the pull-down menu in the upper left of the browser window, or browse a gallery of all the videos.


Complexity in Context






Serial Melodrama

Orienting Paratexts

Transmedia Storytelling


Video Gallery

Special thanks to Steve Anderson, Curtis Fletcher, and the development teams of Critical Commons and Scalar for their essential advice and support in building this site. All clips were ripped and published under the Fair Use provision and the DMCA anti-circumvention exemption for academic work under U.S. copyright law. See this guide to ripping your own clips for fair usage.

-Jason Mittell, March 2015

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