Asia-Pacific in the Making of the Americas: Toward a Global History

Daily Business in Canton

After this, a list of merchant shops, place names, shipping business, tea names and expressions in daily lives is provided: 

經聯 King lun/Shop name;論美 Lun mee/shop name;怡升 Eshing/shop name;經隆 King long/shop name;榜嘩 Ponqua/security merchant (the author’s note: referring to Ni Bingfa 倪秉發 [? -1810], “榜官”);六十五疋 lo xe ù pat/65 piece;昌和 cheong wo/old name/Chung wo, shop name;德昌 tuck chaung/new name/Chung wo, shop name;氹林文-船名 tum lum mun/shuen [ship] meung [name]/Drummond;馬交. 即澳門 ma ka. chick o muen [Macao];馬嘞革. 以下紅毛茶名埠頭 ma la kǎ [Malacca]. e ha hong mo cha meung fow tow [place];龍團 Lon ton;金鈕  Com Now(?);龍鬚 Long Su/Lon Sne [dragon’s beard];工夫 Congow;松製 Sun Chia;裏头 lȯë tow/Inside;外头 gȯë tow/outside;箱仔 saung tchi/small box;船主 Captain;担罵时-船名 Boddam;昔斤巴-即豪塾 Second bar;老婆 lo por/wife;水 water;月 month;火 fire;你 Smie;一斤茶 1 Cattie tea;一拾五碼 15 yds (yards);桂皮 gui py/Cassia;盖名 Cabin;六号至三十六止 No6 to 36;錫礶名 Ganges;吧哋唎 Patri;皮茶 H Skin;火腿 Hams;雨前 Y H;珠茶 G Pn;經綸  K Ln;吧哋唎-即和尚 Padre;貧人 Rosma;風  wind;雨傘  umbrella;人  man;老  hundune(?);唐人  Chine;冰糖  Sugar Candy;眼  G ye;鼻  Nose;烟筒  Pyre;口孖口姑 tobacco;樹  free (tree);黃  Whamhoei;昔斤巴  Second bar;_2_士巴  First bar;燒牛肉  bockle;我  mee;黃 eesir Wonpo(?)  

In addition, there is a three-page table with a list of English abbreviations of silk and textile products, their colours and some related terms:

1.“絲絹名”: “艮紅絹/RLª”, “天青絹/ PUS”, “水紅絹/PLS”, “扎皿絹/LBLS”, “白色絹/WLS”, “官綠絹/DGLª;2.“素絹名”: “艮紅/RP”, “淺录/LGP”, “水紅/PP”, “呀_3_/CP”, “白色/WP”, “扎皿/LBP”, “才录/DGP”;3.“線絹名”: “水紅/PSS”, “宗色/BnSS”, “艮紅/BSS”, “宝皿/MBSS”, “白色/WSS”, “扎皿/LªS”, “呀_4_/CSS”, “元青/BKSS”, “官录/DGSS”;4.“線鈄名”: “元青六行鈄/BDS-C”, “紹線/KS”, “元青八行鈄/BDS-B”, “左珠線/SS”, “扎录/LGSS”, “元青線鈄/BDSA”, “元青厚鈄/BF”;5.“紗訥名”: “水紅/PS”, “血牙/DSS”, “艮紅/RS”, “青蓮/LS”, “白色/WS”, “扎录/LGS”, “浅牙/LSS”, “天青/RS”, “扎皿/LBS”;6.“素絹名”: “水紅/DL”, “呀_5_/CS”, “艮紅/RL”, “宝皿/MBL”, “白色/WL”, “扎皿/LBL”, “魚紅/OL”, “扎录/LGS”, “元青/BL”, “天青/PuL”, “票士/PLS”, “花紅/SL”;7.“素八絲名”: “橙色/OSn”, “水紅/PSn”, “宗色/BnSn”, “扎皿/DBSn”, “白色/WLn”, “天青/BSn”, “宝皿/MBSn”, “艮紅/RSn”;8.“各紗名”: “花紗/FG”, “地分坭紗/T”, “紗巾/GH”, “素白紗/PLG”, “西艮紗”, “柳条紗”;9.“打蛋名”: “打蛋線紬/TSS”, “白立地紗/GSG”, “打蛋/TS”;10.“函紗”: “函紗/PG”, “錦紗/Gg”, “柳条絹”;11.“花大八絲”: “呀_6_/CD”, “赤梭布/GNL”, “官录/DGD”, “白梭布/WNL”, “白色/WD”.

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