AAEEBL Digital Ethics Principles: version 1

Principle 7, Scenario 3

You are an educator. You create an ePortfolio assignment for your Biology course. You chose a platform that is accessible across devices, but you are aware that some students may not have access to a computer. You provide students with details on how to check out laptops from the library if needed. 

You understand that your class has a large degree of variety when it comes to digital literacy and design abilities, but you can’t dedicate class time to developing these skills. Instead, you provide students with a resource list that includes technology support, platform support, and free resources to aid them in the design of their website. You also hold office hours, which students can join in person or digitally to provide additional one-on-one support. As well, you point students to the media lab on campus that has digital and in-person drop-in hours where students can learn more about various software and seek advice from experts. 

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