Que Tu Familia No Viva el Drama de la Guerra: Evacuar Madrid es Ayudar a la Victoria Final
12019-01-29T10:08:11-08:00Samantha Hostetlerad99bfaa7af5cfdfcf545686ab9956c8703f6d91316346Propaganda poster from the Spanish Civil War produced by the Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid and other contributors.plain2019-02-05T19:07:39-08:00The Visual Front: Posters of the Spanish Civil War from UCSD’s Southworth Collection https://library.ucsd.edu/speccoll/visfront/evacuarpost.html40.41678 -3.70379Propaganda PosterSpanish Civil WarJunta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, Delegación de Propaganda y Prensa, Rivadeneyra CO - Madrid, and Sindicato Profesionales Bellas ArtesSamantha Hostetlerad99bfaa7af5cfdfcf545686ab9956c8703f6d91