1media/0d58ccac86202a30d404dcfc725f5f6d.jpg2018-10-14T17:32:58-07:00Andrea Davise50475e163fb87bc8bd10c6c0244468fd91e8da53163451plain8069392018-11-03T10:08:47-07:00Andrea Davise50475e163fb87bc8bd10c6c0244468fd91e8da5In this experiential learning course, you will learn about the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and Franco Dictatorship (1939-1975), conduct research on a related theme of your choosing, and participate in a collaborative museum project to create a digital collection with thematic exhibits that link interactive primary source materials with original scholarship. This page contains course information, which includes the course learning outcomes and policies, and the course overview, which provides information about requirements, assignments, and due dates.