12019-04-04T19:58:19-07:00Abigail Pucik85b9beb11eda85fcc02539e89fdad5db084e16f0316342These are the last paragraphs of Addy’s letter from March 14th, 1939. She talks again about how she hopes the people she has helped will never forget their English nurse. When thinking about her time in Spain she feels she has accomplished so much and saved many lives. She has made her doctor’s actions effective with her hard work. Even the villagers who she describes as a bad lot now respect her and talk to her sometimes.plain2019-04-07T20:02:49-07:00Warwick Digital Collections, https://wdc.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/scw/id/9680March 14, 193939.9800, 2.8633Typewritten TranscriptionsMadge AddyAbigail Pucik85b9beb11eda85fcc02539e89fdad5db084e16f0