12019-03-05T01:09:32-08:00Jordan Carmer7852427f9085767576ef6308f5a8e38bfc47822a316342A poem from Fernando Delgado from 1968. The poem was published in a 1970 issue of Litoral : revista de la poesía y el pensamiento. The subject of the poem seems to be expressing a view of their self as suddenly realizing that they had been largely unaware of Spain's recent history and reconciling with that realization.plain2019-03-05T03:14:45-08:00Litoral : revista de la poesía y el pensamiento http://prensahistorica.mcu.es/arce/en/consulta/resultados_ocr.do?autor_numcontrol=&materia_numcontrol=&formato_fechapublicacion=dd%2FMM%2Fyyyy&id=28139&forma=ficha&tipoResultados=BIB&posicion=261968PoemPost-War SpainDelgado, Fernando GarciaJordan Carmer7852427f9085767576ef6308f5a8e38bfc47822a