12019-04-04T19:53:32-07:00Abigail Pucik85b9beb11eda85fcc02539e89fdad5db084e16f0316343On March 14th, 1939 Addy talks about how she almost had to leave due to an order from England to return. Addy describes how depressed the idea of leaving would have made her. She had worked very hard and would have felt terrible to leave at that time. She had to pack her things and gave most of what she could away to those who still needed it. Fortunately she was able to stay and explain through rare telecommunication that she would feel much better in Ucles. Her duty to the hospital and to Ucles kept her from wanting to be anywhere else. Many people were overjoyed that she could remain with them. At the end of the letter she describes how Juan, the man who had to undergo the horrible surgery mentioned previously, was doing much better.plain2019-04-07T20:04:55-07:00Warwick Digital Collections, https://wdc.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/scw/id/9679March 14, 193939.9800, 2.8633Typewritten TranscriptionsMadge AddyAbigail Pucik85b9beb11eda85fcc02539e89fdad5db084e16f0