12019-04-07T16:15:14-07:00Jordan Carmer7852427f9085767576ef6308f5a8e38bfc47822a316342A memorial dedicated to the 4th Division of Navarre in the town of Portbou. The monument is dedicated to those Nationalist troops who fought and died in the area. The regime put up a great number of similar monuments to fallen Nationalist to venerate them (and the regime they helped bring about) as heroes.plain2019-04-07T16:47:56-07:00Memorial Democratic de Catalunya http://memoria.gencat.cat/ca/que-fem/espais-de-memoria/cens-de-simbologia-franquista/194042.4246, 3.1428Post-War SpainGeneralitat de CatalunyaJordan Carmer7852427f9085767576ef6308f5a8e38bfc47822a