12019-05-06T22:13:04-07:00Jordan Carmer7852427f9085767576ef6308f5a8e38bfc47822a316341This monument was erected to mark the five year anniversary since the take over of the town of Terrassa by the Nationalists. Like many others, it is in memory to those who died for that cause. However, this monument also feature two soldiers. One of them is a common soldier as would have been present in Franco's army. The other is a knight from the era in which Spain was involved in the Reconquista. The intent of the monument is to equate the two types of warrior while also equating the Spanish Civil War as a "holy" conflict against a corrupting force, as was the case among crusading knights some centuries earlier when they fought the Moors.plain2019-05-06T22:13:04-07:00Memorial Democràtic de Catalunya http://memoria.gencat.cat/ca/que-fem/espais-de-memoria/cens-de-simbologia-franquista/194441.5632, 2.0089PhotographFranco DictatorshipMemorial Democràtic de CatalunyaJordan Carmer7852427f9085767576ef6308f5a8e38bfc47822a