12019-05-05T19:14:59-07:00Jordan Carmer7852427f9085767576ef6308f5a8e38bfc47822a316344A monument to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Battle of the Ebro in Tortosa. Though not uncommon to commemorate the anniversary of a conflict, this monument was another attempt by the regime to celebrate the twenty-five years of "peace" under Franco, while ignoring the upheaval of the war and immediate post-war period.plain2019-05-06T16:24:47-07:00Memorial Democràtic de Catalunya http://memoria.gencat.cat/ca/que-fem/espais-de-memoria/cens-de-simbologia-franquista/196640.8126, 0.5214PhotographFranco DictatorshipMemorial Democràtic de CatalunyaJordan Carmer7852427f9085767576ef6308f5a8e38bfc47822a