Jewish Histories in Multiethnic Boyle HeightsMain MenuIntroduction: Urban Space and the Making of a NeighborhoodMapping Jewish Histories in Boyle HeightsTimeline: Intersecting Histories in Boyle HeightsHinda and Jacob Schonfeld Digital ArchiveAbout This ExhibitCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceUCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies
Kapshut Books: 2205 Brooklyn Avenue
12019-02-13T23:00:44-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce2269structured_gallery2021-04-28T11:19:55-07:0034.047910, -118.209910Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceBorn in Lithuania (then part of Russia), Chanoch Kapshut and his wife Bluma immigrated to the United States in 1904, settling first in Chicago and then in Los Angeles in 1912. They moved to Boyle Heights soon after, where he opened Kapshut Bookstore at 2205 Brooklyn Avenue in 1913, offering Hebrew books with or without translation, ritual items, including tall it (prayer shawls), tefillin (phylacteries), and shofar, as well as decorative Judaica. He also became the city's only distributor of Manishewitz products, supplying matzo to the Soto-Michigan JCC (then the Modern Talmud Torah and Social Center), the Breed Street Shul (Congregation Talmud Torah), and dozens of other individuals and congregations until at least 1920. The store moved locations several times—first to 419 Soto Street, then to 2201 E. First Street, each time the family residing in apartments above, or behind, the store—and while it closed in the late 1930s, Kapshut's books provided a vital service to the area's Jewish residents, particularly those who were religiously observant, from the earliest days of Jewish settlement of the neighborhood. The Kapshuts had five children, Charles, Harry, Esther, Rachel and Judith, and lived in Boyle Heights until they passed. These photos of the Kapshut family were generously provided by Esther's daughter, Fran (Kapshut) Oberman.
12018-09-06T19:46:18-07:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceHinda and Jacob Schonfeld Digital ArchiveDavid Wu26structured_gallery2021-05-05T11:20:11-07:00David Wub86a8c07bcba0adc0bdab2f4feb80f7cb005c87f
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12019-02-13T23:27:09-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceKapshut's Books, East First Street location1An ad for Kapshut's books from its later days at 2201 East 2nd Street. Unlike earlier ads published in Yiddish, this ad was written in English to serve a more acculturated clientele. Courtesy of Fran (Kapshut) Book Store Adv_-Los AngelesCA1930s.jpgplain2019-02-13T23:27:09-08:0019300101h: 3.5",w: 2.4" 1200dpi x:2895-y:4203 UncompressedLos AngelesCACAPlease Contact WSJH for InformatWS0934-^C. Kapshut ^Jewish Book Store Adv.-Los Angeles,CA [1930's]^E. 2nd Street photoCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-13T23:18:51-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceChanoch and Bluma Kapshut at Kapshut's Bookstore, 19271Chanoch and Bluma Kapshut sit on the steps of Kapshut's Bookstore in East First Street location February 1, 1927. Courtesy of Fran (Kapshut),-118.6496361111120160120110836+000020160120Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-13T23:22:09-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceJudith and Rachel Kapshut, 19271Judith and Rachel Kapshut sitting on the steps of Kapshut's bookstore at its location on East First Street in 1927. Courtesy of Fran (Kapshut),-118.6496055555620160120110847+000020160120Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-13T23:24:48-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceKapshut's Books, Soto Street location1An advertisement for Kapshut's Book Store when it was located at 419 N. Soto Street. Interestingly, while they sold Hebrew books at the store, this ad is in Yiddish. Courtesy of Fran (Kapshut),-118.6498194444420160120111614+0000Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce